E2 Visa Attorney – US Immigration Lawyer London

Our E2 visa attorney is based in California, however she deal with US immigration Law, all over the united states and is not limited by geographical locations. She can deal with your US immigration matter in UK. The attorney is an international lawyer and also has clients all over the world, including Europe, Asia and Africa,. Many of whom require US immigration and E2 visas for business in various states including UK
An Overview of the E2 Visa in US Immigration
In US immigration, the E2 visa is necessary for primary investors and currently there is no annual cap or quota for their issuance. They are unlimited in number and available to those that apply for them so long as you are able to establish that you meet all the requirements of the E2 Visa. For applications, refiling and appeals you should always contact an E2 visa attorney. The E2 Visa is also called the business visa, the investor’s visa or the entrepreneur’s visa.
More on the E2 Visa Lawyer
With the aid of the E2 Visa you can get entry into the USA without much immigration difficulty. This visa is issued for 2-5-year periods. The visa can be renewed for as long the investor is operating the business and it generates sufficient revenue to show that it is not a marginal business. A marginal business is one that only provides sufficient income for supporting the family of the investor.
This visa also covers the spouse and the children of the investor till 21 years old. The E2 visa is intended for people who wish to set up a business, buy a business or a franchisee in the USA.
This visa can be renewed indefinitely, giving the investor ample time to investigate other routes whereupon the investor and secure a green card for permanent residency.
Contact us to find out more about the E2 visa and to check your eligibility.